
About Jon Horwitz

Jon is an Organizational Psychologist who helps businesses by leading them to improve the skills, relationships, and performance of their people in harmony with the goals of the company.



As we are all aware, employees are jumping ship in record numbers, since there is a widening mismatch between the job environment individuals prefer and what currently exists. As a result, many organizations are having trouble filling the millions of current openings. Below are some suggestions to immediately, though partially, […]


How Our Coaching is Different

Coaching is one of the key strategies to help develop and improve an individual’s capabilities, performance and productivity. Our proven method of building a coaching environment ensures that those who are coached, their managers and their team benefit from the results.

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Has Positional Power Gone the Way of the Two-Martini Lunch?

Positional power results from a manager’s title or role in the company hierarchy. In today’s workplace, power refers to the ability to influence other people and/or key business decisions.

Power relies on employee’s belief that the manager has the authority to tell them what to, and their willingness to comply. Many managers struggle to motivate […]

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Setting Sail to Success – Leading Millennial Employees

The millennial generation consists of more than 80 million young Americans between the ages of 18 and 35. Currently, this encompasses over 35% of the workforce, soon to be 50%!


Leading millennial employees often leaves managers perplexed as to how to motivate, engage, and optimize the performance of this well- educated, tech-savvy, and diverse generation.


In […]

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Six Types of Leadership Influence

One aspect often overlooked in the development of business leaders is the effective use of influence. Self-aware leaders are attuned to how they exercise influence and the effect it has on their direct reports.

When working with leaders, I often ask them to discuss the difference between authority, influence, and leadership. Leaders must assess their own […]

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How To: 9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Coaching

Successful coaching requires that the coachee is actively engaged in the coaching process. Below are 9 basic tips to keep in mind as you work with your coach.

Commit to Learning – Your coach is investing a considerable amount of time and energy to help you succeed. It is imperative that you put yourself in a frame of […]

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Building A More Productive Team – Seven New Year’s Resolutions For Managers

The New Year is the time for taking stock of achievements and planning positive changes for the upcoming year. For example – stop smoking, lose weight, get fit, etc. As a manager, you can resolve to improve your team’s; attitude, production, quality, accountability, engagement, etc. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time […]

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Successful Businesses Have The Right Stuff

Payroll and other human resource expenses make up nearly 40% of a company’s costs. The lack of proper workforce planning can be costly. Strategic workforce planning ensures that the proper amount of people with the necessary skills are in the right jobs, at the right level, and at the right cost.

The workforce needs to […]

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New Year…New Job?

Retaining key talent is always a challenge. The New Year is a time when people feel compelled to make changes in their life, including their employer. What efforts are you taking to retain high potential employees? 

Retaining key talent starts with a clear definition that includes:

Identifying employees, below the top level, who have high potential for […]

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4 Strategies Proven To Engage the Millennial Generation

Business leaders are realizing the “millennial” generation’s unique competencies and perspectives, while employers are looking for ways to harness their strengths.  Achieving greater understanding across generations will have a positive impact on relationship and organizational performance.  Below is a description of what millennials have come to expect from their jobs:

Coaching: Provide regular coaching to […]

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